The Otterhound Club
25th September 2022
Judge: Anthony Allen
My thanks to The Otterhound Club for the invitation to judge the stakes classes, to the exhibitors for entering under me and to Simon my steward for looking after me. I had a lovely time and was thrilled with the quality of the exhibits.
Special Yearling (3,1)
1st Olphae Druid
Smart masculine head on this young man, balanced proportions and overall shape. Rising sixteen months and progressing in the right direction. Neck long into well laid shoulders, good depth of chest for his age. Legs are well boned and feet are round. Ribs well sprung for his age and well back. Quarters well developed with moderate angulation. Had a good action on the move, long striding in profile just needs to tighten in front which I am sure he will do as he matures.
2nd Ottaryx Reckless (Ai)
This lady was 19 months old, head is developing nicely, good breadth and pleasing eye to give a feminine expression, ears of good length. Decent in neck, would like a bit more lay back in shoulder. Needs to drop into her chest, which she will do as she matures. Good length of body and quarters well made. Moved with enthusiasm, not quite the stride of the winner.
Open Stakes (5,0)
1st Olphae Orlaith (AI)
I liked this lady a lot on the stack but initially she was pacing on the move, and it took her a couple of attempts to get into the striding action I was looking for. I thought she had a super head piece, feminine in expression, well proportioned, good furnishings and ears set on well and of the correct length. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, stands on well boned legs and round feet. Enough depth of chest, spring of rib which were well back. Still needs to develop in body but she is still young and will do that as she matures. Decent quarters on her. Good harsh coat and the more accurate in movement on the up and down which gave her the class.
2nd Ch Dekenchar’s Willfull via Kingstree (imp)
This seven-year-old lady was very close up to the winner and on the stack thought she would take the class. Clearly a quality bitch but for me she was rather untidy coming and going and wasn’t striding out as much as I liked. Feminine in head, well proportioned, good breadth and well covered to give a very typical expression. Ears well set and of good length. Good through the neck into well set shoulders. Stands on good straight legs. Good harsh coat. Depth to chest and ribs well sprung and back.
3rd Ottaryx Rascal (AI)
John Bell Irving Memorial Stakes
1st Olphae Charman
A very striking male with a super shape about him, excels on the move with a typical striding action. I liked his head which was masculine, had a good domed skull and proportionate length of muzzle. Well-furnished and long ears set correctly. Super neck into well laid-back shoulders, well boned legs and round feet. He has depth to chest, his ribs are well sprung and back, firm in loin. Moderate quarters with hocks well let down. Super coat. I thought him a really smart dog.
2nd Ottaryx Quinevere
Good overall shape and proportions on this lady, her head is pleasing with a feminine expression. I would like a little more reach of neck. Not quite the front of the winner, needs a bit more lay back. Good through the body, enough depth of chest and ribs well sprung. Decent quarters with moderate angulation. Moved OK.
3rd Ironquest’s First in All Things at Ottaryx (imp USA)