

    (in alphabetical order)

    Latest update 05/04/2023

    : Actaeon’s P’Nash ex Ottersdream Patsy of Actaeon

    Siblings : Jasper, Jazzy with Wildans, Jynx

    BALTHAZAR SORCERER: Ottersdream Playboy of Balthazar ex Ottersdream Prudence of Balthazar
    Siblings : Swashbuckler, Solomon, Sultan
    Full Siblings later litters : Teaboy, Teddyboy at Cairo’s, Tomboy, Topboy, Toyboy, Taffeta, Maestro, Magnum, Masquerade, Musketeer, Mimosa at Dineleas, Minuet at Cairo’s, Mistletoe

    BARILLA DESTINY : Actaeon’s P’Nash ex Boravin Dancer

    BARILLA DECOROUS : Actaeon’s P’Nash ex Boravin Dancer
    Siblings : Barilla Dominant, Dynasty, Dance Away, Dauntless at Ladestar, Destiny, Dewdrop, Donna, Dutiful

    BLACKCAP OF TWINRIVERS : Kentenes Razor ex Falconcrag Nutmeg of Nanhelen
    Siblings : Blazor of Twinrivers, Blackberry, Bryony at Teckelgarth Kingstree Belmont, Barley, Bilbery of Carlbay, Bluebell, Bramble
    Full Siblings earlier litter : Annan Kingstree, Acorn, Allspice, Angler of Twinrivers, Amethyst of Drakesleat, Aniseed, Wise of Nanhelen, Amber of Nanhelen
    First seizured at approximately 5 years following trauma. Medicated for epilepsy, drugs so altered her personality she was put to sleep.

    BORAVIN DRAYMAN : Boravin Ostler ex Actaeon’s Promise
    Siblings : Daggler, Dancer, Daylight
    One “funny turn” as a youngster. First fit at 6 years. Had possibly another two fits during the next 2 years. Probably had a further two fits aged 8 years and had to be put to sleep.

    BORAVIN GALA: Boravin Yankee ex Boravin Easter
    Siblings : Gaoler, Goshawk, Galaxy, Gossamer, Graceful, Greybird Recorded fitting in the U.S.A BORAVIN PLAINSMAN: Dumfriesshire Clansman ex Kendal Pastime Siblings : Peeler, Plover, Puffin
    Full Siblings from an earlier litter : Kendal Tempest, Kendal Testa
    Severe liver damage at an early age prevented definitive diagnosis 2

    BORAVIN QUINTAIN : Dumfriesshire Tracker ex Boravin Oakleaf

    Siblings : Quantock, Queensbury, Queller, Quail, Quaintly, Quarley, Quaver, Quicksilver, Quillet
    Quintain – Fitting occurred when there were bitches in season in kennel, ceased after castration.
    BORAVIN UMPIRE: Boravin Ostler ex Vison Treasure

    Siblings: Urchin, Unity, Useful
    Seizures occurred during the first year only – no loss of consciousness – believed to be diet related. Died of old age.

    BORAVIN VANNER: Dumfriesshire Cypher at Trevereux ex Boravin Nutshell

    BORAVIN VANITY: Dumfriesshire Cypher at Trevereux ex Boravin Nutshell
    Siblings : Valesman, Vanguard, Verderer, Villager at Teckelgarth, Vivid, Vixen, Viva of Trevereux
    Recorded fitting in the U.S.A.

    BUNNAHABHAIN RANSOM: PCOH Donald Bunnahabhain ex Bunnahabhain Liberty
    Siblings : Ramsay, Ranger, Ricochet, Rafferty, Rangle, Ruthven

    CAIRO’S DUMBLEDORE: Lutrakai Maskell ex Balthazar Minuet at Cairo’s


    Siblings : Arry Otta, Padfoot, Hufflepuff, Madam Pomfrey, Ravenclaw
    Dumbledore medicated for epilepsy for some time, died age just 3 years. Gryffindor started fitting just over 2 years, diagnosed idopathic epleptic, died within months. Hogwarts Xpress started fitting age 13 months, vet considered it was epilepsy, but did not treat.
    Died age 17 months

    CULMSTOCK WATCHMAN : Boravin Woodman ex Songstress Songbird
    Siblings : Wader, Wellington, Wizard, Saucy, Seagull, Sunset, Seaweed of Cilgwri
    Medicated for epilepsy lived to approx 9 years

    DUMPDON SCANDAL: Sothic Sailor ex Boravin Echo
    Siblings : Beacon Sinbad, Hensemoor Stormer
    All had grand mal fits

    KEEPCOTT IDA : PCOH Ernest ex Keepcott Gossip
    Siblings: Icon, Invincible, Iris
    2 brief fits to date (04/04/2023) at age 7. Keeping well on treatment.
    Reported by Breeder.

    KINGSTREE CLUDEN : Boravin Peeler ex Acorn Kingstree

    Siblings : Chieftain, Craftsman, Cedar, Classic, Clover, Credit
    Cluden first seizured at approximately 5 years, had on average, three to four seizures per year, never treated, died of old age. Chestnut first seizured around 6 years of age, seizures only occurred during or after her seasons.

    KINGSTREE FOREMAN AT CAVANERO: Otterbobs Orbit with Kingstree ex Actaeon’s
    Precocious with Kingstree.
    Siblings : Ferryman, Fisherman, Footman, Freesia at Cairo’s
    First seizured at approximately 6 years, died shortly after. Sired two young fitting hounds, both dead before 3 years.

    KINGSTREE HULOFF: Kingstree Governor ex Kingstree Dewdrop
    Siblings : Hannibal, Highlander, Hoddom, Hussar, Hazel, Heather, Holly First fit age 10 months. At 11 months diagnosed idiopathic epileptic at the Animal Health Trust, Cambridge. Treatment not recommended at that stage, went into stasis overnight at 13 months, put to sleep.

    KINGSTREE KENTUCKY: Am.Ch. Scentasia’s Doonesbury ex Am. Ch. Aberdeen’s English Ivy
    Siblings : California, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, Connecticut, Indiana, Minnesota
    Started fitting 3 weeks short of his 7th birthday shortly after his lifelong canine companion died. Fitting controlled by medication, died aged 9 years.

    KINGSTREE LAIRD: Teckelgarth Ptolemy ex Teckelgarth Valkiri with Kingstree
    Siblings : Lancer, Lonsdale, Landgirl, Liberty, Linen, Linseed, Loyal
    Started fitting about 10 years of age, had approximately 6 fits per year, never treated. Eventual death was not related to his fitting

    KINGSTREE ROWENA: Teckelgarth Damacles ex Kingstree Nutmeg
    Siblings : Rugger, River, Reiver, Rebel, Rascal, Rapid, Rambler at Ottaryx, Russet Started fitting at 2 years of age, treated for epilepsy, kept breaking through treatment and died aged 4 years

    KINGSTREE TRADEMARK: Teckelgarth Quintus ex Kingstree Quest
    Siblings : Tamar, Tracker, Tripper, Thistle, Ticket, Tippet, Trouble, Trusty
    Started fitting in January 2011. Is known to have had five more fits since then mostly lasting between 5 to 6 minutes, but with his owners soothing the last 2 fits have only lasted about 2 minutes. He has had every test available to establish the cause except an MRI scan and his veterinary surgeon considers him to be idiopathic epileptic. He is not yet on any medication.

    OTTERSDREAM PAVLOVA : Ottersdream Pedro ex Lyonesse Columbine
    Siblings : Pippercorn, Poet, Protégé, Prelude of Crosswinds, Parthan, Perfection of Dinaleas

    OTTERSDREAM PHANERA : Ottersdream Protégé ex Ottersdream Phloozie

    Siblings : Potiphar, Pandia, Pavalla, Pendle, Preponsa, Prote, Pizzazz of Crosswinds, Primadonna of Crosswinds
    Pinup started having seizures age over 2 years, medicated for epilepsy died just 3.

    PCOH BEAR  :  PCOH Quarter ex PCOH Myrddyn
    Siblings  :     Ebin, Milly, Salome, Seagrass, Solo, St. John
    Had a first fit age 1 year followed by a second fit age 18 months.   Being treated with Pexion.          

    Update about Otis. Unfortunately in the early hours this morning, we had to make the very difficult decision to put him to sleep. He had been coping really well on a combination of pexion, levitateracetam and epiphen. However, on bonfire night he went into a large cluster of seizures and needed IV medication to bring him out of it. Again, he seemed to do well after this but last night he again went into a horrible cluster of seizures, emergency medication did not stop them, and he eventually ended up having a constant seizure. The vets put him under sedation to stop the seizures and whilst he was asleep and pain free we made the decision to let him go. The damage done to his mental condition after this episode was likely to be life changing due to the severity and length of his seizures and his condition would only worsen, so we felt it was the kindest thing to do to end his suffering.                                                                                                                                                               

    SAFRANIN SAFFRON : Boravin Verderer ex Boravin Silverleaf
    Siblings : Sandpiper Tussock, Slipstream Bullrush, Sothic Sailor, Vansitart Magnum, Viking Warrior, Songstress Songbird, Venus Venusian
    Started fitting age 2 years

    SHREENWATER CAPRICE : Hazzard at Otterbobs ex Boravin Frolic with Clunebrae

    Siblings : Chancer, Careful, Caution, Cautious, Chaotic
    Caprice died in stasis, had been on medication which caused severe personality changes. Calamity, fitted, but died of heart failure.

    TECKELGARTH FABIUS: Teckelgarth Quintus ex Teckelgarth Symphony for Wandsfell
    Siblings : Faust, Feud, Flavius, Foible, Flute, Finesse, Faith, Fable
    Date of Birth, 24/09/2009 started fitting in the middle of May 2013 age 3 years 8 months. Diagnosed idiopathic epileptic following tests and scans. Unfortunately he went into a cluster of seizures completely out of pattern at the beginning of September 2015, his heart must have given out after a number of fits and he died before his veterinary surgeon could attend.

    TECKELGARTH KAMEKAZE: Cairo’s Mystical ex Teckelgarth Symphony for Wandsfell
    Siblings : Kamdus, Keeler, Kindle, King’s Spear, Kiwi, Kaira, Kerria, Kingcup, Kismet

    TECKELGARTH KISMET: As above One fit.

    WILDAN JITTERBUG : Uisneach Absolute Joker ex Wildan Jeannie 5
    Siblings : Wildan’s Jack Splash, Jus Bruin Trubul, Jus Jaz, Justin Thyme, Jigsaw, Jingle, Joyful at Ottaryx, Jus Jokin
    See US list

    Health Co-Ordinator

    The Breeding criteria we have been given to limit fitters as far as possible is :-

     Do NOT breed from a Fitter Do NOT breed from the fitter’s sire or dam again once you know
     their progeny has fitted. Do NOT breed from the fitter’s siblings.

                                    Known Seizures and Possible Seizures in European Otterhounds
    BEARGARDEN’S BIGOT BICKER: Houndville Emperor ex Houndville Charlotte
    Siblings : Bitter Blaber, Big Billow, Biased Blinker, Billion Dollar Baby, Binding Bite, Biscuit Bite, Bitter Bilberry, Bizarre Bird at Houndville
    DOB 20/9/2015
    1 st seizure 22/2/2017 further seizure March 2017. Diagnosed as ideopathic epileptic by veterinary surgeon and treated with Fenemal.

    HOUNDVILLE CEYCHO : PCOH Hannibal ex Houndville Artemis
    Siblings : Chopin, Clansman, Charlotte, Christabel, Ciara, Clover, Connor, Cornelia

    HOUNDVILLE EMPEROR : Houndville Dancer ex Beargarden’s Pole Dancer at Houndville
    Siblings : Houndville Edward, Houndville Esther.
    Date of Birth : 12.04.2014.
    First Seizure : August 2018. A small seizure, followed a few days later by a grand mal fit.

    VISION QUEST AKAI : Scentasia’s Skiing in Switzerland ex Scentasia’s Final Vision Quest
    Siblings : Amaru, Acucena, Amadahy, Anpaytoo, Aponi, Aroha, Aquinnah

                                        Known Seizures and Possible Seizures in American Otterhounds
                                                                                      Thanks to all the breeders and owners who have provided this information. (in alphabetical order)

    Aberdeen's Bently O' Corcra Gael (Bently): Follyhoun Oro’Lin of Wo’Ken ex Aberdeen’s Alien
    Siblings : Aberdeen’s Beetlejuice, Blue Jacket McCarter, Prince Oliver, Bananas, Belinda, Bombshell, Bonkers, Bonnie Banner
    Age of 1st Seizure        7+ years
    Age at death                10+ years
    Other Information       Petit mal, only at vet's office. Notified after his death. Source, Breeder

    Aberdeen's BluJacket McCarter (Carter): Sire, Dam and Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure       2 years
    Age at death               6 years 

    Aberdeen & Crossroads You Can Leave Your Hat On (Arlyne) : Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction ex Aberdeen & Conestoga Verry Interesting.
    1Me, Yquem, You say Potato, You’Re Killing me, Smalls! You’Re the one that I Want, Yukon Jack of the NW Territory, Yeah well I got plenty to say! You don’t own me Grace, You had me at Hello, You’Re a Black Magic Widow.

    Age of 1st Seizure       2 years
    Other information :     Informed by breeder 10/6/2021.
                                       Started fitting some months ago.

    Aberdeen's Dynamo Hum (Dinah): Boravin Quarryman ex Aberdeen Bonkers
    Siblings : Aberdeen’s Dragonslayer, Dipity Doo Dinker, Douse De’light, Dreamer, Dewy MacMurphy of Aberdeen, Fitzcaps Dlirious O’Aberdeen
    Age of 1st Seizure      4+ years
    Age at death               8+ years
    Cause of Death           seizure
    Other Information       Age 4+, 8+Sz 1st seizure when litter was 4 weeks old. Source,Breeder

    Aberdeen's Excaliber Merlin: Avitar’s Front Page News ex Aberdeen’s Alien
    Siblings: Aberdeen’s Elmer Fudd Tails End, Elwood Kimmel, Energizer, Excalibar, English Ivy, Equisitely Corcra
    Age of 1st Seizure      6+ years
    Age at death               9+ years
    Cause of Death           bloat
    Other Information      Source, breeder

    Aberdeen's Fiddle Dee Dee (Scarlett): Scentasia’s Doonesbury ex Aberdeen’s Alien
    Siblings: Aberdeen’s Famos Amos, Fat Albert, Fig Newton, Frosted Flake, Femme Fatale, Fandango de Molnmix, Flat Foot Floozie, Funny Girl Janora French Kiss, Caveman, Chi Town Colossus, Chucky Cheez Osi, Cool Henry Luke, Count Frederick, Cauzn Confusn Osi, Chance, Cocoa Puff of Osi, Cosnik Debris, Sangre de Cristo Cleona

    Age of 1st Seizure       5 years
    Age at death               14 years
    Other Information       infrequent, never medicated? Notified after age 12. Source Breeder

    Aberdeen's Good Golly (Golly): Aberdeen’s Caveman ex Aberdeen’s Dynamo Hum
    Siblings : Aberdeen’s Gee Whillikers, Gone Fishin’, Gorilla, Gotcha, Great Gringo
    Age of 1st Seizure      2 years
    Cause of death          Seizure
    Age at death              3 years
    Other information      Source, Breeder

    Aberdeen's Gone Fishin’(Hank): Sire, Dam & Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure      5 years
    Age at death              12+ years
    Other Information      grand mal, monthly, medicated. Source, Breeder

    Aberdeen's Gotcha (Gotcha): Sire, Dam & Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure       3 years
    Age at death                5 years
    Cause of Death            seizure
    Other Information       sired 1 litter prior to seizures - no known get w/seizures. Source, Breeder

    Aberdeen's HotLips Echovesna( Lips): Greyfields Justin the Nick of Time ex Aberdeen’s English Ivy
    Siblings : Aberdeen’s Heidi-Heidi Ho, Hog Wild O’Foxfire, Hostess W’Th Mostes Amz, Hurricane Hannah
    Age of 1st Seizure      5+ years
    Age at death               9 years
    Cause of Death           bloat
    Other Information      Started after head injury at 5yrs. Source, Breeder

    Aberdeen's Jose Cuervo (Joey): Aberdeen’s Caveman ex Aberdeen’s Hog Wild O’Foxfire
    Siblings : Aberdeen’s Jeepers Creepers
    Age of 1st Seizure       2 years
    Age at death                5 years
    Cause of Death            seizure
    Other Information       potassium bromide for 3+ years. Source, Breeder

    Aberdeen’s Shaken not Stirred : Kingstree Painter ex Ramsgrove Hot Toddy
    Siblings : Super Freak, Silly Rabit, Simply Irresistible, Sock it to Me, Star of Texas, Sufferin’ Succotash
    Age of 1st Seizure       6 years

    Aberdeen’s Twice the Legal Limit : Aberdeen’s Neanderthal ex Aberdeen’s Sock it to me
    Siblings : Aberdeens’s Triple Dog Dare You, Twisted Sister, Trix are for Kids, Trouble in Paradise, Truly Scuimptious.
    Age at 1st Seizure       7 years
    Age at death
    Cause of death
    Other information        Source, Owner.

    Aberdeen’s Up The Creek (Izzie): Aberdeen’s Caveman ex Aberdeen’s Queen of Everything
    Siblings : Ultimate Addiction, Unsolved Mystery, Uncola Nut, Unpredictable
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information
    I noticed you had my Izzie, aberdeens up the creek on the list..it needs to be updated... 1st seizure: 3.5 yr age Age of death: 10yr Cause of death: hemangiosarcoma..couldn't keep food or meds down, so had to euthanize. Comments: seizures started as petit mal, then became brief seizures, then evolved to grand mall.... always in cluster pattern. Seizure meds used to control: phenobarbital and K bromide.

    Aberdeen’s Unsolved Mystery : As Above
    Aberdeen’s Whole Enchilada (Suiza) : Aberdeen’s Told you So ex Conestoga Aberdeens Addicted to Love
    Siblings : Aberdeen’s Why Not

    Aberdeen Achtung Baby (Sirus)  :  Conestoga Aberdeens Addicted to Love ex Aberdeen’s Whole Enchilada
    Siblings: All that and a bag of chips, Ay Caramba, Anchored  In Love @Dunham Lake, Asking for  a Friend V Mtn. View Farm 
    Age at 1st Seizure  :  2 years
    Other Information  :  2 seizures 2 months apart


    Aberdeen & Crossroads You’re the One that I want (Zuko) :  Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction ex Aberdeen & Conestega Verrry Interesting
    Siblings : Yetti, You are my Sunshine, You can’t make this up, You really got me, You say Potato, You’re killing me, Smalls! Yukon Jack of the new Territory, Yeah well, I got plenty t o say! You can leave your hat on, You don’t own me, You had me at Hello, You’re a  Black Magic Woman

    Aberdeen & Crossroads You say Potato (Tito)  :  As above

    Aberdeen & Crossroads You’re a Black Magic Woman (Stevie Nicks) As above

    Aberdeen & Cross Roads You can Leave your hat on (Arlyne) As above. 
    Age of 1st Seizure       2 years
    Other information :     Informed by breeder 10/6/2021.
                                       Started fitting some months ago.

    Baymore's Alaskan Liv (Liv): Hooters Follyhoun Rodney ex Hooters Corcra Rhapsody
    Siblings : Baymore’s Augie, Commander Lynus, Hoover at Quietwood, Royal Hudson, Populaer Luxe, Regina, Tellus Lily
    Age of 1st Seizure       6 years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information       grand mal, 10-12 week intervals, medicated – Liv started having seizures in 2009 about 4 months after her last litter, hers are every 10-12 weeks give or take a month or so, that’s on a calendar or 5 somewhere but I can’t find them. Hers are grand mal and last usually less than a minute, she comes out quickly and is ready to go do something as soon as she comes out. She was found to have a low thyroid and is on .8mg of soloxine twice daily. Have seen no negative results with either the seizures or meds. Liv will be 8 in June , we think we missed some signs while Liv was growing up now that we think back, salivating a lot at times, slapping her jaws, but always very quick and often at the same place while travelling.   Source, Owner

    Baymore's Tobias (Toby): Kalevala Protector’s legacy ex Hooters Corcra Rhapsody
    Siblings : Baymore’s Bailey’s Anthem, Troubador, Suite Nelly Dean
    Age of 1st Seizure      10 years
    Age at death               10+ years
    Cause of Death
    Other Information       started a few months before his death – Toby started having seizures about once a month the last few months of his life…..having expired at ten and a half years. Whether they were related to his impending death or epilepsy, I’ll never know. He had 10 healthy years, thank heavens. I
    might add, it took both of them a long time to recover from their seizures. Both dogs returned to their same old selves afterward.  Source, Owner

    Baymore's Bailey’s Anthem (Bailey): Kalevala Protector’s legacy ex Hooters Corcra Rhapsody
    Siblings : Baymore’s Tobias, Troubador, Suite Nelly Dean
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    Belle River Riverboat Gambler (Gambler): Dyfrgi’s Silent Searcher ex Ottertail Otterly Ridicqlus
    Siblings : Belle River Colonel Reb, Cotton Picker, Delta Queen, Dixieland Jazz, Magnolia Blossom, Graywaves Belle River Rebel Yell
    Age of 1st Seizure       7 years
    Age at death                9 years
    Cause of Death            bloat
    Other Information       3 known grand mal seizures. Source, Breeder

    Boravin Quarryman (Quarry): See Boravin Quintain in UK List.
    Age of 1st Seizure      8 years
    Age at death              10+ years
    Cause of Death          Prostate cancer Other Information a few seizures while on chemotherapy, none after . Source, Breeder

    Boravin Vanner (Vanner): As recorded in UK list.
    Age of 1st Seizure     19 months
    Age at death              21 months
    Cause of Death          see other information
    Other Information     probable seizures – Vanner started seizuring in probably August of 1987. To be honest, I do not recall actually seeing him seizure, but would crate him while I was gone, and would come back and find him lying in a pool of liquid and he would be woozy and disoriented. He would run into the side of doors coming and going after the episode. He was tested for liver issues and was okay. He had the first seizure, maybe a month later another, another in a shorter time span—a week or two, and another the next day. Our vet has us put him on phenobarbitol. He was not himself—I assumed it was the pheno, but perhaps it was residual from the seizures, he would cry to go outside and cry to come in, not complacent either place. I was going to travel to Texas at the end of October for an extended period of time and did not know what to do, so I just decided to put him to sleep, there were some contributing circumstances for the decision. I had recently moved to Iowa and knew almost no one for a doggy support system. My first two-legged child was born the same month Vanner started seizuring—indeed, I think the people visiting at our house may have kicked Vanner into a stress that started them. The other factor is that Vanner was a basket-case shy if I may put it that way. And he was afraid of my husband—I would be leaving him with Steve. I got Vanner at maybe9 months old? When he arrived from England I, for probably two weeks, had to pull him out of the back of his crate and feed him by hand, almost force feed—he was very distressed. His breeder told me later she would never ship another nervous hound, so he was nervous before he came. Another English breeder thought the flight caused the seizures, panic from the flight?,but Vanner’s sister seizured also, died from them…also the flight over? We had him several months before he started seizuring. Prior to seizures, Vanner would be excited to go places, jump in the car to go, but when we got to the new place, he was afraid to come out of his crate. I would try to take him places, the mall and sit outside where he would tremble and tremble and tremble, to classes where he would start to heel and after a few minutes just vomit from nerves. He was so sweet and so sad to see, so shy—I had just told him he could stay in the back yard from now on. Shortly after, my son Harry was born and we had overnight company for several nights, and the seizures began.
    So, they would be described as grand mal as he voided everything and was woozy when I found him? He was medicated briefly, but we needed to work on adjusting medication, and I just hoped to put him 9 down as I was not able to deal with how he was dealing. I put him down in October of 1987.  Poor Vanner.

    Corcra Gael Cousteau’s Silver Shadow (Cousteau): Lonestar Angus Prime Choice ex Corcra Gael Sunbeam Tiger
    Siblings: Frazer Nash, Lagonda, Morris Minor, Rolls Silver Dawn, Golden Lotus V Ria, Lea Francis, Rolls Silver Spirit
    Other Information :      Source owner
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death

    Cruzin’s Hot Ryder’s Return (Pancho Villa): Cheery OH's Return to Scentasia ex Wildan's Jus' Cruizin
    Siblings: The Road to Eden, Hot Buttered Rum, Hot Summer Daze, Misty
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    DeKenchar’s Sir Archie of Hartford County : DeKenchar’s Oli’Bamas Southern Comfort ex DeKenchar’s Show Boat
    Siblings : DeKenchar’s General Jeb, He’s A Wonder, MacLeod There Can Only Be One, One Giant Leap, Stand by Me, Street Savoire Faire, Theodor Earl of Da Boro, Allie’s Lillie Lou, Chaos is Coming, Coco White Hot Chocolate, Jessie Orange Fire Ball, Meera – Meera on the Ball
    Age of 1st Seizure :       1 year 10months
    Other information :       Source - Owner posted on Facebook when hound had his third seizure at 2years 10 months. All at same time 7p,m coming out of sleep.

    DeKenchar’s Garcon Doux De Houndzhollow (Winston): Kalevala’s Jack the Lad ex Clearwater Tequila Mockingbird
    Siblings : DeKenchar’s Legacy, Southern Pink Magnolia
    Age of 1st Seizure        2years 6months
    Age at death                 6 years 4 months
    Cause of Death             Died during cluster seizures
    Other Information:       Multiple seizures at times several months apart. Controlled now by meds at the time. With each seizure, personality changes seem to be progressing.

    DeKenchar’s Qqumber Tumbleweed
    Siblings : DeKenchar’s Magothy’s Noble River, Nozebody’s Perfect, Stuart the Brave, Devilish Intent, Fence Post Blues, Miz Behavin’, Raisin’ A Ruckus, The Plot Thickens, Waltzing Matilda Follyhoun Qcumber Geez Lueez (Pati): Avitar Follyhoun Kahootz ex Chaucer’s Queen Guinevere Siblings : Chaucer’s Rocky Hill Robinhood, Hydramagic Chance, Sir Duff of Bearsden, Mydramagic Charm, Rum and Coke, Follyhoun Oro’Lin of Wo’Ken, Jenell Number Five, Ottertail’s Max in a Million, Mischagas Gipper, Sampsonite, Beaver, Olivia, Trouble Brewing, Ottertail Otterly Ridicqlus, Monty the Python, Some like it Hoot, Follyhoun Hootenanny
    Age of 1st Seizure    18 months
    Age at death             12 years
    Cause of Death
    Other Information     began after choked on a toy, twice yearly, never severe, medicated. Source, Owner

    Four Pillars’ Top of the Morning (Muldoon) Scentasia’s End of an Era ex Riverrun Magical Moment
    Siblings : Four Pillars’ Anchor at Amity Harbour, Fezzik “As You Wish”, Red Sky at Morning, Succession, Tomorrow is another Day, Annie Oakley, Niagara River Song, The Era Starts Anew.

    Four Pillars’ Trail Blazer B&Ts Cruizin in Four Wheel Drive ex Riverrun Magical Moment
    Siblings : Four Pillars’ Fletch’s Fetzer Valve, Maximus Prime, Triumph with B&T’s, Unimog Tickles Tail of the Dragon, Journey to OHeavens, Malibu Classic Anna DAllesandro, Porche – There is no Substitute, Road Trip to Charleston, Tahoe Turquoise.
    Age of 1st Seizure       5 years (27/11/3030)
    Other Information       Source, Breeder

    Greyfield's One Way Ryder (Abe): HB Twilight Trumpeter ex Tar Beach Blythe of Greyfield
    Siblings : Greyfield’s Ragtime Kelly Girl, Razzmataz, Tar Beach Greyfield Rufus
    Age of 1st Seizure        3 years
    Age at death             
    Cause of Death
    Other Information        Source, Owner

    Hooters Churchill O'Bearsden (Churchill): Chaucer’s Sir Duff of Bearsden ex Aberdeen’s Bombshell
    Siblings : Hooters Rembrandt O’Bearsden, Rockefeller O’Bearsden, Hatteras Cuhaven, Russian Roulette
    Age of 1st Seizure      10 months
    Age at death               9 years
    Cause of Death           stomach cancer
    Other Information      grand mal, 2-6 month intervals, medicated – His first one was around 10 months, I thought I was going to lose hi, even though it was focal, with limbs buckling and not able to walk, it went on and on. I got him to the vet where Churchill was given multiple shots of phenobarb before he started to come out of it. Meanwhile his temp had gone way up. Churchill went on to have a seizure every 2 to 6 months until his death at 9 years from stomach cancer. All his seizures were focal. He never lost consciousness but was slightly out of it and always very afraid. He’d try and stand, get half way up only to fall l down with one or two limbs buckling. They usually lasted 1-3 minutes. Churchill was a fearful dot and my vet wanted me to put him down at 1 year as he had some people aggression issues. I think the seizures were a big factor in his fearfulness. I couldn’t bring myself to put him down and kept him safely sequestered. Source, Owner

    Hooters Hatteras Cuhaven : Sire, dam and siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure       8 years
    Age at death                9 years
    Cause of Death 
    Other Information      seizures. Source, breeder

    Hooters Russian Roulette (Russia): Sire, dam and siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure       3 years
    Age at death               14 years
    Cause of Death
    Other Information       grand mal clusters, widely spaced, medicated – Russia had 2 known grand mal seizures, one right after another, but amazingly lived to nearly 15. Source, Owner

    Hooters Corcra Smokey Robinson (Smokey): Aberdeen’s Bently O’Corcra Gael ex Hooters Follyhoun Rainie
    Siblings : Hooters Corcra Be I N Gee, Mr. Emmet, Carbon Copy, Gael Riley Imp, Sadie OH What a Lady
    Age of 1st Seizure       2 year
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information       petit mal, infrequent, never medicated – Smokey had at least 2 absence seizures, starting at age 2 the day after the other dog he lived with caught her collar on a fence and strangled. He had been one of a group of dogs rescued from a severe neglect situation, and had been emaciated. The day after his dog buddy died, he went to a dark corner of the basement, stood in place 11 unresponsive, and trembled all over to a couple of minutes. The seizures never got bad enough for Smokey to be medicated. Source, Owner

    Hooters Corcra Gael Range Rover (Rover): Aberdeen Bentley O’Corcra Gael ex Hooters Hatteras Cuhaven
    Siblings : Always Ready, MacTaggert O’Bearsden, Rumor Has it, Samson, Random Reaction, Ginger
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information   

    Howlaway's Pac Man (Gunner): Wag’N Hollow’s Colorado Hometun ex Howl-Away J-N-I’s Alexandra
    Siblings : Howlaway’s Belle, Outburst, Howlaway’s Qcumber Pinbalwizard
    Age of 1st Seizure       4 years
    Age at death               12 years
    Cause of Death            died in surgery
    Other Information       not clear that his episodes were seizures – Although it was never determined that Gunner’s “episodes” were actually seizures, I’m now thinking it’s possible that they might have been. Our vets eventually thought his symptoms were most likely a pain response to a problem in his back/neck brought on by unusually active days of running and jumping. In retrospect, I suppose it’s also possible that he had more than one problem going on. Although Gunner was never actually diagnosed with seizures, I thought a summary of his symptoms and history should be passed along since you are keeping a record of affected hounds. Regretfully, I didn’t have his blood drawn and submitted because I was under the mistaken impression that the study only applied to dogs with confirmed epilepsy.

    1999 – 4 years

    *Weight loss (10 pounds in less than a year)
    *Loss of muscle mass, particularly in hindquarters
    *Increased thirst
    *Brief (30 sec) episodes of stopping to just blankly stare at the floor
    *Three episodes of staggering and loss of control of hindquarters (about 10 minutes/episode) First was at three years of age, Second and Third were back to back at 4 years of age
    *Periodic brief (couple of seconds) stiffening of right hind leg while standing or walking – seemed to bother him, as he looked back at it and sometimes pressed his nose to the area.
    *Times of unusual restlessness and wanting out in the middle of the night.

    Tests :
    Blood Chemistry – low sodium
    ACTH Stimulation – normal, which ruled out Addison’s Disease
    UA – normal
    ECG – normal

    Note :
    Gunnar had been severely choked at almost 3 years of age (prior to the above symptoms ) when Havana’s jaw got caught in his collar during one of their play sessions. By the time I got to him, he was bleeding from the nose and his eyes had turned red. The vet said that might have caused a brain injury with subsequent metabolic changes and possibly seizures. Suggested we just keep a close eye on him for the time being.

    2000 – 5 years
    An episode that started with lack of coordination, salivating, restlessness, and a desire to be comforted. He would try to lay down for a minute, but would then be back up again. After about 10 minutes of this, he vomited, and then his legs just gave out and he went down. He never seemed to lose consciousness, but continued to pant and salivate for another 10 minutes. Eventually he started wagging his tail and was able to get up and move about fairly normally. 

    2001 – 6 years
    Episode of restlessness, lack of coordination (front and rear), need to be comforted, vomiting and aspiration through his nose (needed antibiotics), staring at floor, hunching back. Vet suggested this was a response to pain – probably a disc in his neck. Put on prednisone for several weeks. Had another episode during treatment, which was mostly just a lack of coordination.

    Tests :
    Liver Enzymes elevated. ALT-1107, AP-181, AST-high
    Cholesterol on high end
    Bile Acids Test for liver function – normal to high normal

    Over the remaining years of his life, he would periodically have these wobbly episodes, but seemed aware and responsive. When he would lay down, it was obvious that his muscles were contracted (no twitching or paddling) just very tight. Massage seemed to help and within about 10 minutes he would start stretching, his muscles would relax and he would soon be up and back to normal once again. We started noticing that these incidents would be most likely to happen when he had had a particularly active day. As he grew older and was less active, he had fewer episodes. The vets felt they were probably a pain response to a problem in his neck/back.

    2007- 12 years
    His final, longest and most severe episode of muscle spasms lasted almost half an hour, and the next day he was still somewhat wobbly. Two weeks later he was still dragging his feet a little. Four months later he died during surgery while having several sebaceous cysts removed. Source, Owner

    Howlaway’s The Colorado Wookie (Chewy): Follyhoun Winchester ex Chaucer’s Rum & Coke
    Siblings : Howlaway’s Jim-N-I’s Alexandra, Wag’n Hollow’s Abby, Eloise, Lucy Ray, Shelby Sioux, Tess
    Age of 1st Seizure       2 years
    Age at death                9 years
    Cause of Death            cancer
    Other Information       grand mal, medicated. Source, Owner

    Hunter’s Lonestar Barclay (Barclay): Lonestar Abbott ex Kingstree Quick
    Siblings : Badger, Bexar, Bishop, Booker, Briscoe, Blessing, Blossom, Bonney
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    Hunter’s Dawn Star : Adeline’s Silas of Lake Oconee ex Hunter’s Sunny Cheyanne
    Siblings : Hunter’s Damon Aleron, Darco Winn, Dillon Peyton, Douglas Beorn, Doyle Crispin, Dallas Diva, Diana Evanna of Adeline, Dora the Traveller.
    Age of 1st Seizure :       5
    Other Information :       started seizing in October.She is a grand daughter of Kingstree Quick. She had a litter in March and was fine. Then just a few days after her sister Diana had a litter in September Dawn had a seizure. We think Dawn was stressed by Diana's litter so soon after her litter. Some of Dawn's pups didn't leave until July because of Covid.Dawn is on meds and the vet is monitoring her. On her next heat she developed pyometra and was spayed.

    Ironquest’s A-Game (Yardley): Aberdeen’s Under the Influence ex Scentasia’s Double Q Quest
    Siblings : All I want, Across the Water, Addicted to Love, Against the Wind, Alf-Alpha My Favorite Little Rascal, Adelheid, After Hours Party, Almost Persuaded, Azunia
    Age of 1st Seizure         One and a half
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information         2 seizures approx. 24 hours apart when in a hotel 13

    Ironquests’s Brown’s Legacy Caroline in my mind : Scentasia’s End of an Era ex Scentasia’s Double D Quest
    Siblings : Be Cool, Better Hide your Heart, Better Late than Never, Big Fish Small Pond, Big Shoes to Fill, Boss Man, Bit O’Honey, Bode Ones Time,
    Age of 1st Seizure         5 years
    Other Information         October 2017 2 seizures after beingvery stressed by car ride.

    Ironquest’s Boden Ones Time (as above)

    Harper had a seizure in 2021( just shy of being 10 yo) about 6 months later she had another. Over the past two years her seizures have been well spaced out (months apart) until recently. She has had one every 3 or 4 weeks and starting yesterday she has three in the past 24 hours. She is on pheno and I have increased the dosage starting yesterday. If the increased dosage doesn't help I will talk with the vet about Keppra. I'm hoping for the best.

    Ironquest’s Classic Juno : Adeline Poplar Hill’s A’int Misbehavin ex Ironquest’s Almost Persuaded
    Siblings : Ironquest’s C Digby Earl-Dean, Call me Wilson, Chesapeake Boatman’s Creed, Constable Otto Matic, C You’re a Fine Girl, Can Be Mrs Busybody, Can’t Be Pie in the Sky, Chocolate Congelado, Poplar Hill’s CC Rider

    Ironquest’s Call me Wilson : Sire, Dam and siblings as above

    Kalevala Blithe Spirit : Kalevala Protector’s Legacy ex Scentasia’s Good Time Girl
    Siblings : Kalevala Barkley Charles Clark, Phoenix Rising, Nosey Parker
    Cause of Death :           Malignant Brain Tumour

    Kalevala Calypso’s Abby Kadabra : Scentasia’s Second to None ex Kalevala Blithe Spirit
    Siblings : Kalevala Brave New World, Happy Adventurer, Knockin’ on O’Heaven’s Door, Always in Scentasional Style, Never Say Goodbye

    Kalevala Guiness Mackeson (Guiness): Wag’N Hollows Demon Run ex Vison Hornet
    Siblings : Tedi Bear, Tuckerman, Nellie Sunshine, Rosie, The Road to Hannah, Xela Ju
    Age of 1st                   Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    Kalevala Howling Success (Lucas): Kalevala Protector’s Legacy ex Vison Hornet
    Siblings : Hunter Tanqueray, Jolly Good Show, Windfall, Cricket’s Aviator, Protector’s Pilot, Star Legacy, Limehouse Blues, Queen Boudicca, Avenger at Amazona, Keepsake, Summer Breeze, Trumpe Le Monde, Triple Threat, Sir Francis Drake
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death               4 years
    Cause of Death           Seizures
    Other Information

    Kalevala Hunter Tanqueray (Forest): Sire, dam and siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death               7 years
    Cause of Death           Seizures
    Other Information

    Kalevala Jolly Good Show (Tris): Sire, dam and siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death               5 years
    Cause of Death           Seizures
    Other Information

    Kalevala Never Say Goodbye : See Kalevala Calyso’s Abby Kadabra Above

    Kalevala Windfall (Lily): Sire, dam and siblings as Kalevala Howling Success Above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death                3 years
    Cause of Death            Seizures
    Other Information

    Kalevala Happy Adventurer (Harvey): Scentasia’s Second to None ex Kalevala Blithe Spirit
    Siblings: Brave New World, Knocking on O'Heavens Door, Always In Scentsational Style, Calypso's Abby Kabdabra, Never Say Goodbye
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information:

    Kalevala Phoenix Rising (Alastair): Kalevala Protector’s Legacy ex Scentasia’s Goodtime Girl
    Siblings: Barkley Charles Clark, Blythe Spirit, Nosey Parker
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information:

    MagicWood McQuire Dreamboy: Scentasia’s Howlaway Semper Fi ex Kalevala Blithe Spirit
    Siblings : Déjà vu, Howlaway’s Ropin the Dream, Kalevala Number Nine Dream, Good to Go General Patton,Kalevala Penny Lane, Kelavala Wink at the Moon, On the Pulse of Morning, Willie Mae
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death               Seizures
    Other Information

    MagicWood Howlaway’s Ropin the Dream (Stetson): Sire, Dam and Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death               Seizure
    Other Information

    MagicWood Kalevala Wink at the Moon (Allie): Sire, Dam and Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death               Seizure
    Other Information

    MagicWood Willie Mae (Willie Mae): Sire, Dam and Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    MagicWood Good To Go General Patton (Patton): Sire, Dam and Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    Muddcreeks Sprite (River): Scentasia’s Yorktown Patriot ex Sonsies Looney Tune
    Siblings : Muddcreeks Sir Watson Holmes, Spring Harvest, Stream Keeper, Sunday Surprise, So Gladys Youre Ours, Sweet Lady Sophie, Sweet Molly Malone, Simply Irristible
    Age of 1st Seizure          4 year
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information         not clear yet if her episodes are seizures – River – We haven’t figured out what happened with her yet. She had two episodes of some kind in June and September of 2010. They didn’t resemble any type of seizure I’m familiar with, or had seen, or read about. The closest thing I could find was in the description & video of what they call a “Chinook” episode, or seizure. She was completely conscious and aware and sitting up,. Just her hind legs started drawing up to her body, like a severe muscle spasm. It made her nervous while it was going on, but she didn’t exhibit any pain symptoms, or disorientation. She was completely responsive. After the legs relaxed (1-2 minutes), there were no after effects. I had some initial blood-work done the day of her first episode…normal, except for some minimal irregularities in the thyroid panels (not enough to concern the Vet). I am awaiting word from U of Missouri in response to some questions about these episodes. I will also pursue further testing when I find out what those tests should be. Too new yet to share the full scoop as the jury is still out on what this is exactly. When I find out more, I’ll let you all know. Source, Owner

    O’heavens Worth Repeating (Echo): Scentasia’s The Price is Right ex Scentasia’s Bedazzled In Diamonds
    Siblings: Heeere's Johnny, Mystery Machine, Maisie Mae
    Age of 1st Seizure            4 years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    O’heavens Maisi May:  Sire, Dam and siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at Death
    Cause of Death
    Other information :          2016 2 seizures following visits to the groomers

    O’heavens Strike the Harp at Crickwood : Kelevala Knockin on O’heavens Door ex Scentasia’s Bedazzled in Diamonds
    Siblings : I Believe in Miracles, What a Scalliwag

    Dazzle/ Gabriel litter has been diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy. He is 6 1/2 years old on onset. I Nancy Lange Anyone can call me at anytime. I will answer all questions. The owner told me initial seizure about 3 weeks ago. She convinced herself it was just him sleeping with 6 ft cats in his dream. 2nd and third seizures at night. Only one time did he lose urine/ last seizure. Minimal post ictal state. All labs are normal. Including thyroid, and comp panels. The vet followed the testing from Echos protocal. Neuros and full exam normal. He has 2 half siblings from the 2011 litter who have seized. Due to his genetic history, they are starting him on keppra. Not sure of dosage. I also suggested to her the use of daily unflavored gelatin a protocal suggested by Jean Dodds which has shown positive results.

    Old Country Sittin on Coopers Rock : Four Pillars’ Triumph with B&T’s ex Blue Fairy’s Something to Talk About
    Siblings : Old Country Faithful Fin, Gravely Hound of Dunbar, Greenbriar Simon, Harrison County Hound, Ice Mountain Archie, Cranberry Glades Belle, Seneca Rocks Rose, Shenandoah Kate to Four Pillars, West Virginia Attitude to Four Pillars.

    Ottertail Otterly Ridicqlus (Ottie): Avitar Follyhoun Kahootz ex Chaucer’s Queen Guinevere
    Siblings: As Follyhoun Qcumber Geez Luiz
    Age of 1st Seizure             6 years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death                  cancer
    Other Information             grand mal, started at 6 mo. intervals then increased, medicated beginning age 9 Source, Owner

    Poplar Hill's L'ville Rosebud (Rose): Scentasia’s Yorktown Patriot ex Poplar Hill’s Ophelia
    Siblings : Poplar Hill’s L’ville Hot Brown, Unbridled Spirit, Belle of L’ville, Mint Julep
    Age of 1st Seizure             5 years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death 
    Other Information             grand mal, 1 month intervals – aka Rose, had her first seizure 8/9 at 5 years. Denise took Rose to a neurologist who diagnosed her with idiopathic epilepsy. Rose did test positive for taxoplasmosis, a parasite that can cause neurological problems and was treated with an antibiotic. My understanding of taxoplasmosis is that it is difficult to “cure” and can live in cystic areas in the dog and when these cysts burst it becomes active. Rose has had 5 more seizures since the first, averaging about one per month. They all occur early in the a.m. and last for about 1 minute. They are grand mal and she loses bladder control. Rose is shaky for about ½ hour after the seizure and then returns to her normal self. Denis keeps Valium suppositories on hand but hasn’t had to use them as the seizures are so short. Rose is being treated with Chinese Herbs and is just now up to the recommended dose. She has just started taking Neuroplex, a nutritional supplement that is supposed to help seizures. Rose also goes for acupuncture once a month. Source, Breeder

    Poplar Hill's L'ville Hot Brown (Angus): Sire, Dam & Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure             3 years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information             1 probably seizure, none since – AKA Angus, and Rose’s brother, had one seizure at age 2-3 years after eating a whole pan of turkey drippings. Kathy Mcknight’s 8yr old daughter saw it and called her mom. Angus was coming out of it when Kathy saw him. At the time, their vet felt that Angus’ blood chemistries had been thrown out of whack by ingesting so much fat and that was the A

    Riverrun D J Dempsey: Hunter’s Lonestar Barclay ex Riverrun Meant To Be
    Siblings : Riverrun Darwin, Déjà Vu Hershey Kisses, Dewy, Dunstan, DashingThrough Heather, Destiny.
    Age at 1st Seizure
    Age at Death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information         

    Riverrun Dewi : Sire, Dam and Siblings same as the above.

    Riverrun Marquis de Winston (Weston) :  Poplar Hill’s Unbridled Spirit ex Riverrun Sonsies Comedy.
    Siblings :  Magenta Morning Blaze, McHugh, Monarch of the Glen, Mor  Logaire Jester, Mungo My Duke, Bearsden Molly MacPhee, Magical Moment, Meant to be

    Riverspruce’s Matsu Wigglebutt : As Riverspruce’s Tolovana Breakup below

    Riverspruce's Spurr Of The Moment (Feeona): Shreenwater Blackjack ex Baymore’s Alaskan Liv
    Siblings : Riverspruce’s Danas Dewey, Magnus from Snowy River, No Redoubt About it, Plenty of Sweet Kiska, Purple Hayes,
    Age of 1st Seizure               8 months
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information               clusters, medicated – Feeona has been having seizure since before her 1st birthday, most are clusters of 5 or so and she is on a heavy doze of Pheno and Potassium Bromide. Source, Breeder

    Riverspruce’s Tolovana Breakup (Spring): Kalevala Jack the Lad ex Baymore’s Alaskan Liv
    Siblings : Riverspruce Yukon Jack, Riverspruce’s Matsu Wigglebutt, Stony Oliver
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                Source, Breeder/owner

    Riverspruce’s Stony Oliver (Oliver): Sire, Dam and Siblings as above 17
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                 Source, Breeder/owner

    Riverspruce’s Yukon Jack : Sire and Dam and siblings as above

    Scentasia's Bad To The Bone (Toby): Scentasia’s Just a Gigolo ex Scentasia’s Warrior Princess
    Siblings: Scentasia’s I’m Ready, Johnny Be Good, Leader of the Pack, Shake Rattle N Roll, Be Bop a Lula
    Age of 1st Seizure                 5 years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                 owner reported seizures. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia’s Double Jeopardy (Alex): Scentasia’s Poplar Hill ToBeorNotToBe ex Scentasia’s Hostile Takeover
    Sibling : Second to None
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    Scentasia's Good Time Charlie (Emmet) : Cheery OH’s Return to Scentasia ex Scentasia’s Million Dollar Baby
    Siblings : Scentasia’s Just a Gigolo, Rhinestone Cowboy, Shenanigans, Daughter of Joy, Good time Girl, Hot to Trot, Otter be Ashamed, Shady Lady
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death                         11 years
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                owner reported seizures. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia’s Emerald Isle (Shandy): Kalavala’s Jack the Lad ex Scentasia’s Wheel of Fortune
    Siblings : White River Titanium, Bedazzled in Diamonds, Diamonds are Forever, Fire ‘N Ice, Jewel in the Crown, Joyful Ruby, Tourmaline Treasure
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    Scentasia's Ironman (Tony) : Aberdeen’s Caveman ex Scentasia’s Kiss me Kate
    Siblings : Scentasia’s Batman, Captain America, Howlaway Prince Valiant, Warrior Princess, ‘N Aberdeen’s X-Man
    Age of 1st Seizure                  2 years
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                  treated with Chinese herbs – Tony had seizures starting just after his 2nd birthday. They increased through the years – up to every 4-6 weeks - at which point I put him on Chinese herbs. These maintained him for many years at 1 seizure every 8-9 months. After many years on Chinese herbs, I took him off and he continued to have 1 seizure every 8-9 months. He did have a subarachnoid cyst that was found at the end, I think it swelled around his 10th birthday – I can remember exactly when his behaviour changed (he acted like he was light sensitive and had a migraine) I don’t think the cyst had anything to do with his seizures, but since I never did an MRI before the end, I don’t know that for sure. Source, Owner

    Scentasia's Jasper Sez (Jasper): Cheery OH’s Return to Scentasia ex Scentasia’s Lady Liberty 18
    Siblings : Scentasia’s Bingo Grumbler, Scattergories, Skiing in Switzerland, Texas Hold ‘Em, The Price is Right, Jumping Rope with LuLu, Surf’n Sea Ayre, Truth or Consequences, Wheel of Fortune
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                 seizures. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia’s The Price is Right (Barker): Sire, dam and siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                 seizures. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia's Johnny Be Good (Duncan): Sire, Dam and siblings the same as Scentasia’s Bad to the Bone
    Age of 1st Seizure                 5 years
    Age at death 
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                 grand mal. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia's Jumping Rope With LuLu (LuLu): Sire, Dam and Siblings the same as Scentasia’s Jasper Sez
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death                          4 years
    Cause of Death                      cancer
    Other Information                 petit mal. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia's Leader Of The Pack (Fergus) : Sire, dam and Siblings the same as Scentasia’s Bad to the Bone
    Age of 1st Seizure                  4 years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                  grand mal. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia's Moxie (Raggs) : Rinjan’s Knight de mon Plaisir ex Billikin’s Amanda Grizzlet
    Siblings : Scentasia’s Fanta Frederick, Gotta Have My Tab, RC Cola And A Moon Pie, Squirt, Stonebridge Mtn Dew, Orange Crush, The Real Thing, Yoo Hoo
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death                          10 years
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                  owner reported seizures. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia's Oberon (Obie): Bearsden’s McDougal Argyll ex Scentasia’s Hot to Trot
    Siblings : Haleys Comet, Shooting Star, Sirius Mischief, Sirius Star, Aurora Borealis, Planet Claire, Solar Winds
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information                 owner reported seizures. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia's Scattergories (Rubert): Sire, Dam and Siblings the same as Scentasia’s Jasper Sez
    Age of 1st Seizure                 2 years
    Age at death                          5 years
    Cause of Death                      cancer
    Other Information                 grand mal clusters, medicated – Rupert started having grand mal cluster seizures at age 2. They were well controlled with potassium bromide. Soon (one month) after he turned 5 yr, he 19 succumbed to cancer. I might add, it took both of them a long time to recover from their seizures. Both dogs returned to their same old selves afterward. Source, Owner

    Scentasia's Shooting Star (Hamish): Sire, dam and siblings the same as Scentasia’s Oberon
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death                         7 years
    Cause of Death                     seizure
    Other Information                Source, Breeder

    Scentasia's Stonebridge Mtn Dew (Woody) : Sire, dam and siblings the same as Scentasia’s Moxie
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information               owner reported seizures. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia's Two Good Tobe True (Tucker): Scentasia’s Yorktown Patriot ex Scentasia’s Hostile Takeover
    Siblings : Scentasia’s Double Q Quest, Double Trouble
    Age of 1st Seizure              3+ years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information              grand mal, 6-7 month intervals, medicated – Tucker started sometime after Liv and his are every 6-7 months give or take a month or two, info is on the same calendar. His are grand mal and last about a minute, when he comes out we usually have time to get him out to pee and pooh (neither has let go during a seizure) and get him back in, then the little ones start coming where he glares over and stares wobbling, his toes and body parts twitch and these will just go on and on and on and on unless we give him valium rectally which brings him out and he goes to sleep, he isn’t the same boy I brought home from SC but he still has lots of awesome to go. He is on Phenobarbital 64.8mg 1-1/2 tablets twice a day. It took him awhile to get the dose balanced but he does good now. I make sure he has time to stable out from when he gets his meds to when we practice agility or have a trial. He is also on the soloxine.
    Both he and Liv get alot of exercise, Tucker has agility training every week and is entered in several trials this summer, when home they do outside duty during the day until -20 degrees when they then come indoors, they are outside on and off for an hour or so several times a day down to -40 and whenever needed if its colder than that. Source, Owner

    Scentasia's Yankee Doodle Dandy (Keone) : Scentasia’s Poplar Hill ToBeorNotToBe ex Scentasia’s Million Dollar Baby
    Siblings : Scentasia’s Boston Minuteman, Howlaway Semper Fi, Pawl Revere, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Yorktown Patriot, Glimpse of Glory, Lady Liberty
    Age of 1st Seizure             20 months
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information             grand mal, widely spaced, medicated – Keone’s seizures began almost exactly 7 years ago(on the night we returned from Louisville in 2002) when he was just about 4 months shy of his 2nd birthday. All have been Grand Mal seizures which have occurred at widely varying intervals and according to no discernible pattern. It was more than 18 months between his first and his second seizures and he has had 2 episodes of clusters. He was treated holistically for a long time and now is on a daily dose of potassium bromide, not that I can see it’s made any big difference. Last July he had what was evidently a very bad seizure when I was not at home (first time I wasn’t there). Consequent to that, he developed Bells Palsy on the right side of his face ---could not blink his right eye, lip drooped and food fell out, etc. He also showed significant ataxia (balance problems). He has improved somewhat: has weak blink reflex, food doesn’t fall out so much and he is walking somewhat better. Frankly, if there had not been signs of improvement early on, he would have been put down as his quality of life was so compromised. An MRI showed fluid on his brain but, of course, since an MRI had not been done previously, there is no way to know if this was a new condition. While he has improved some, he is 20 showing weakness and loss of muscle on his right side and sadly, he has lost a great deal of the love and life and enjoyment that made him Keone. Sometimes he shows flashes of the old Keone but only briefly. His walks, which were our very favourite thing to do together (and, in his eyes, a close second to his very favourite thing – food) are now something he tolerates rather than enjoys. Source, Owner

    Scentasia's Yoo Hoo (Maggie) : Sire, dam and siblings same as Scentasia’s Moxie
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at Death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information             owner reported seizures. Source, Breeder

    Scentasia's Yorktown Patriot (Caffrey): Sire, dam and siblings same as Scentasia’s Yankee Doodle Dandy
    Age of 1st Seizure             8 years
    Age at Death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information             Source, Breeder

    White River He’s a Keeper : Scentasia’s White River Titanium ex Scentasia’s Double Trouble
    Siblings : Brookshire Kitchener, News Flash, Shining in Cody
    Age of 1st                          Seizure 8 years
    Age at Death                      8 years
    Cause of Death                  Catastrophic seizure
    Other informaton               Source, Breeder. Keeper had a seizure of less than a minute in which he died. They tried cpr but no result..

    GCH CH. white River’s He’s A Keeper! CGC
    Call name: Keeper
    Breeders: S. Malone & M. Couch
    Sire: Ch. Scentasia’s White River Titanium CGC (2007-2016 found deceased)
    Dam: GCH Ch. Scentasia’s Double Trouble (2005-2010 found deceased bloat?)
    Whelped: 8/12/2009 US Color: black/tan
    Died: 5/17/2017. 7yrs 5 months
    Keeper had his first seizure we knew of in February 2017 while sleeping. Lasted less than a minute.
    No loss of urine or bowls. Afterwards he jumped up and ran outside to urinate. He was very hyper.
    His second seizure we knew of was 5/17/2017, also while sleeping. Lasted 35-45 seconds and then sudden death. We were unable to revive him. Necropsy done at the University of Tennessee. Brain was normal. They asked if we had froze him before bringing him in, which we didn’t. Said they found something in his heart they had never seen before. Fragmented cells. Said his seizure probably caused a deadly cardiac arrhythmia..

    White River News Flash. Sire, Dam and siblings as above

    Wild West Batman Ott’r Find it (Batman): Kalevala Jack the Lad ex Wild West Sugar Britches
    Siblings : Wild West Annie Get your Otter, Yo Yo Otter Rodeo
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at Death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information               I have asked Ron to remove my dog Batman, CT Wild West Batman Ott'R Find It, from the frozen semen list. He will not be bred due to his recent diagnosis of epilepsy. Prior to passing his VST test, Batman had 2 Grand Mal seizures. Since there were only 2, the vets were unsure of his condition but did suspect.. At the end of December the time frame between his Grand Mal seizures increased, and he was placed on phenobarbital. 21 This is disappointing to me but l have to roll with the changes. My fun loving dog is responding well to his meds. Source, Breeder/owner.

    Wildan Jitterbug (Jitterbug) UK BRED
    Siblings : Jack Splash, Jus Bruin Trubul, Jus Jazz, Justine Thyme, Jigsaw, Jingle, Joyful, Jus Jokin
    Age of 1st Seizure              4 years 7 months
    Age at Death                      9
    Cause of Death
    Other Information             On 19th December, 2012 Jitterbug was reported as having one fit, then she had further fits and was diagnosed and being treated as epileptic following a raft of tests. In April 2014 she had a very bad seizure following violent storms. Source, Owner

                                      Known Seizures & Possible Seizures in Canadian Otterhounds
                                                    Thanks to all the breeders and owners who have provided this information. (in alphabetical order)

    Avitar's Green Field Of Dreams : Furaha Farrier ex Avitar’s Classical Jazz
    Siblings : Avitar’s Great Little Follower, Good Time Jazz
    Age of 1st Seizure              4 years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death                  seizure related
    Other Information             had been hit hard on head, euthanized when seizures could not be controlled . Source, Breeder

    Avitar's Much To Do: Darby’s Holy Smoke ex Avitar’s Goodtime Jazz
    Siblings : Avitar’s Maple Leaf Optimist, Make my day, Masked Marvel, Maxmillan Mischiefmaker, Motor City Sound, My dear Dr. Watson, My Name is Casey, Mocha Almond Fudge, Mighty Fine Jazz, Midsummer Frenzy
    Age of 1st Seizure              2 years
    Age at death                       4 years
    Cause of Death                   seizure related
    Other Information              Source, Breeder

    Avitar's New Age Jazz: Riverrun A’gus ex Avitar’s Mighty Fine Jazz
    Siblings : Avitar’s Nannu O’Canada, Not ‘Til I Say So, Notorius Gangster, Nonchalant Nelli, Northern Lights
    Age of 1st Seizure           2 Years
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information          started with 1 a year, eventually medicated – First 7 years had one a year, then two within a 2 week period, always at night. Rescue Remedy always worked bringing her out of the seizure. At 9 years, still only a few a year and her last was the worst (Feb 2011) and chose to put her on meds. Source, Owner

    Avitar's Northern Lights: Sire, Dam & Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information          seizures. Source, Breeder

    Avitar's Not 'Til I Say So: Sire, Dam & Siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure          9.5 months 22
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information         grand mal, 8-14 day intervals w/o med., medicated – Buck had his first grand-mal seizure at 9.5 months old. Before medication he would have a seizure every 8-14 days. My vet recommended that I take him to a Neurologist. After testing he was diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy. He was started on potassium bromide initially as it was thought to have less toxicity to the liver. It did not reduce the frequency of his seizures, so Phenobarbital was added as well. That combination did finally reduce the frequency. He gets his blood checked every 6 months to determine the med levels and also to check his liver & kidney functions. At almost 9, so far everything has check out normal. The only side effect seems to he his hind end weakness attributed to the potassium bromide. The early onset and frequency of his seizures, did however eventually cause him to become shy of strangers (strangers being anyone he hadn’t met before onset of seizures) at about 1 year old. The dosages of the meds have been increased periodically over the years. He is now given 4cc’s of KBr 2x’s daily and a total of 430 mg phenobarb (split into 2x’s daily). Although since 2007 he has become prone to cluster seizures (twice leading to an ER visit & hospitalisation), the frequency of his seizures have been greatly reduced. After his first hospitalisation with his most severe case of clusters, he was blind in one eye for about 10 days and very weak and unsteady especially in the hind end. He has gone as long as 6 months between seizures in the past couple of years otherwise. His seizures are always upon awakening from sleep, or a nap. They last about 2 minutes. He has never lost bladder, or bowel control during a seizure, but I must get him outside to defecate shortly after. The after phase (post-ictal phase) lasts anywhere from 15-45 minutes. I do let him outside to go potty and move around, but under very close supervision. I do not confine him during this phase. During that time he is very disorientated and not very aware of my presence. Also, now to avoid clusters, I do administer 18-20cc’s of diazepam (best to wait until after they poop), after every seizure. He naps after and upon awakening is back to normal. Despite the seizures, he is otherwise a very healthy, happy, calm, sweet, affectionate boy. Source, Owner

    Avitar’s Quips N’Quotes: Bunnahabhain Ricochet ex Avitar’s Bearsden Prairie Jazz
    Siblings : Quantum Leaps, Quarter Notes in Jazz, Qsuidditch, Quiet Revolution, Quincy, Queen Ethyl Rose, Quick Riffs in Jazz
    Age of 1st Seizure               9 months
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information

    Avitar’s Quarter Notes in Jazz : Sire, dam and siblings as above
    Age of 1st Seizure               3 months
    Age at death
    Cause of Death
    Other Information


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