I have received a number of unusual reports of different diseases in hounds over the past year and I will share these with you so you are aware if you see any of the different symptoms in your hound indicating the need for a visit to your vet for investigation.
Kidney dysplasia is rare in all dogs but I have received reports of occasional cases over the years including this last year.
Symptoms of renal failure in dogs can vary dramatically between cases because the kidneys are responsible for so many functions within the body. Symptoms can appear suddenly or progressively, and can include any of the following:
- Drinking excessively and urinating more frequently. It often seems strange to pet owners that a pet which is urinating a lot can have renal problems but it’s because the kidneys lose their ability to conserve water
- Soiling in the home due to the larger volumes of urine
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Pale gums (caused by anaemia)
- Ulcers in the mouth
- Overall weakness or dullness
- Sudden blindness due to high blood pressure
- Fragile bones
But remember, most of the above symptoms can be caused by other conditions which are less serious. However, if symptoms do arise, it’s important to take your dog to see the vet as soon as possible as early treatment is vital if kidney disease is detected.
Very unfortunately following on from the report of one new fitter in this country in last year’s report there has been a further report and you will be able to see this in the updated Fitters list on the Club Website.
I had a report of T-Cell Leukemia, yet another form of the many cancers which cause so much havoc in our beloved hounds. 2 cases of Pancreatic problems have been reported and I have never heard of this in our hounds before. One has been diagnosed with Pancreatitis and is being treated with Gabapentin, omeprazole and paracetamol. Twice a day. The other has EPI, Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency, and is being treated with enzyme medication and the prognosis is good.
-2-https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/exocrine-pancreatic-insufficiency-in- dogs#:~:text=Exocrine%20pancreatic%20insufficiency%20(EPI)%20is,a%20normal%20or%20increased%20appetite.
A definite cause for worry and I am being told requires investigation is the number of hounds reported as dying from eruption of the spleen and/or splenetic tumours. There is quite a lot of information on these conditions, causes and treatment on the internet, but the main advice is should you suspect this at all get in touch with your vet straight away.
Please also report all such cases to the Health Co-Ordinator through the Health email on the Club website so the number of cases can be recorded (in addition to the probable 5 already reported) and investigation can take place.
Along with others I started working on the health of our hounds following the fitting of my hound Hulof in 1996 I then went on to be your Health Co-Ordinator and have given you an Annual Health Report ever since. As I am now retiring from the position of Health Co-Ordinator this is my last report. I send every good wish to my successor and I hope they have success in studying the conditions mentioned above for the breed, as well as the different kinds of cancer and looking into DCM.
Judith Ashworth